Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving...the saga...

Since Jim and I were spending Thanksgiving alone this year, it felt kind of funny. It was nice but different.

I made Jim some country potatoes, sausage, and eggs for breakfast. It's always so fun to feed him. You can see the joy and satisfaction he gets from eating my cooking. lol. From then we sort of went our separate ways for awhile. I had to get things started for dinner and he was off watching football and who knows what else. I had called mom to tell her about the Macy's day parade and that started the day of phone calls on how to cook a turkey in a roasting bag. Something I have never done I mind you.

I started off with peeling a bunch of potatoes for the crockpot scalloped potatoes. Yumm, and I don't have to make extra room in the oven to fix them either!! Wahoo!! I didn't realize just how much it was going to make!!! Man, Jim is going to be eating scalloped potatoes with everything!!!

After that I had some time to spend with Jim and Shadow. Watched some television but mostly snuggled (all three of us I mind you!) in a queen sized bed. Shadow got the best end of the deal. She took her third of the bed right out of the middle. No chance for Jim and I to get too close. LOL.

The afternoon went by uneventful for the most part. In fact I can't even tell you what we had for lunch! lol. The phone calls from mom kept me from sleeping too much though. Ha ha, she thinks I am a walking cookbook!! I cook alot but come on!! lol. I think I finally got her situated so her and Kelly could eat a nice dinner. As for us....well my timing was not so good. I was going to have everything done at the same time but not having cooked that big of a meal for so long, I was a little out of practice.

Our menu was to consist of scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, roasted chicken, cornbread, cranberry jelly (ok it was from a can), olives, (yep from a can too), and a homemade pumpkin pie. The pie was all from scratch, filling, crust and all! Yumm.

Well I thought that I would try a different way to roast the chicken this year. In order to keep it really moist, I put some carrots in the cavity to hold onto some moisture. Well it worked too good. I couldn't get a good feel for the chicken. Everything else was all done but not the chicken. AARRGGG!!! It tasted great but we finally had to microwave some of it so we could eat while everything was.....warm? lol. It was a nice dinner though. Jim had his fill, and I well....had to eat in stages. I was having a hard time keeping things from sticking and staying down. I only ate about a half a cup by the time everything was said and done.

I couldn't eat the potatoes, didn't eat the cornbread, the cranberry sauce was sticking, and so was the chicken. The only things that went down really nicely was the green bean casserole and the pumpkin pie!!! Although I didn't eat the crust of the pie just the filling with....yes CoolWhip. Hey it was the holidays!!!!

All in all it was a nice day. Very quiet. It did feel funny not being with my mom and sister, but we have to have some us time too. Jim and I haven't spent a holiday alone since we've been married, almost 13 years ago. I think it was time, don't you?

Well I hope you all had a wonderful turkey day, and that you didn't gobble till ya wobble. But if ya did.....well I won't tell if you don't. lol.