Thursday, January 7, 2010


After a long up and down day today, I have decided that I have to go back to my support group for the weight loss surgery.  I have been having uncontrolable highs and lows again with crying at a drop of a hat.  My eating is out of control again and it doesn't seem to be fazing me.  I need help.  I'm not sure that I am going to be able to ask for the help tonight but I think just the fact that I'm going is going to help.  I don't realize how isolated I keep my feelings and things from all of my friends and family until I have a melt down and everyone comes to me with words of support and care.

Why is this process so hard for me?  I'm hoping that tonight will spark something in me to get back on track.  The phone call I received from Wendy last night helped get my mind working, but I think I need some more push.  So I am going to surrender myself to the group and let down my gaurd, I hope.

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