I picked them up around 7am to get an early start. Mom knew where I was planning on taking them for breakfast but Kelly didn't. I thought it was going to kill my sister not knowing where we were going. Oh course, mom and I kept telling her it was either some tofu place or someplace like McDonald's. I know I am so evil. But what can I say, it's in my nature. LOL.
We finally got to downtown and found a place to park in front of Crepeville. I have taken mom there a few times before, but this was Kelly's first time. Kelly is a real sucker for crepes and I thought that this would be a nice surprise. Not to mention that they have FANTASTIC food!!!
I sat them down at a table to look over the menu. I thought for sure we would be there by lunch time before they figured out what they wanted to order.
If you would like to know a little bit more about Crepeville, I found a site that has there menu and some great reviews. Just click here to check it out.
After we had stuffed ourselves with food, we walked across the street to the Buckhorn to see what they offered for lunch. Hey, hey, now, off my back, it was for Jim's lunch not mine. LOL. We looked over the menu there and then did some window shopping at the bead store, and a pottery store. It was a good thing that they weren't open yet, they had some fantastic stuff to look at. But since they weren't open....no money was spent....at least at that trip.
I was trying to think of things that weren't that costly to do and I thought of the farmers market. It had been awhile since any of us had gone to one, and I thought it would be a blast. Besides, there are always some free samples!!
The farmers market didn't open until 10am which was going to give us plenty of time to check it out, get back to the Buckhorn to get Jim's lunch, and then deliver it to him by noon. Whew. By the time we found a parking place downtown at 9th and P street, we were cutting it really close. The only parking place I could find was a 30 minute only. I told mom and Kelly that we are going to have to really hoof it today. They were up for the challenge. The very first table we came to had some blackberries. Oh man, the lady let us sample them. I could have eaten at least a bushel of them right then and there. But we walked on. We promised to come back before we left though.
Before we left the market, we found a table that was selling some cheese. OMG, this cheese was excellent! Mom bought some for us to share....she conveniently forgot to give me some when I went home. Just kidding, I had to leave quickly to go get Jim, and didn't get to take any home. But I had to give her some grief anyway. We did stop back at the blackberries and I bought 3 small baskets of them. They actually made it home. But not for long!!!
We finished off our day by getting a free Baja fish taco from Long John Silvers and having lunch. Once again I have told my mom about something good, and until I take her to it or make her eat it, she waits forever to try it. Turns out she really likes them. Go figure. LOL.
We stopped off at the drug store and the grocery store, then I took them home. It was a long hot day, but it was a fun day. The whole day, mom and Kelly kept asking if we are going to do this again next Tuesday. Well we may do the farmers market but all of the eating out is not going to happen. But it was fun non the less.
We'll see what is in store for me next Tuesday.