Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cesar Millan I am NOT!!!

To start this BLOG off right, I feel that I should first show you the e-mail that I sent to my hubby yesterday.
Well I am no Cesar Millan!!!!! Took Shadow for a walk....uh...drag...uh.....sit....uh....bark fest....uh.....I couldn't tell you what it was, but I am tired!!!!
Wholy cow !!! My head is pounding, my chest wants to launch both lungs at the same time, and my nose is like a leaky faucet!!!

I'm sweating like crazy and I'm ready to die!!! So don't be alarmed if you find me dead on the floor with Shadow laying by me.

You dearly departed wife,
Yep, that's right, I decided to take Shadow for a walk yesterday.  I have been watching the Dog Whisperer for awhile now and I was feeling bad that I don't take Shadow out for any exercise.  I thought this would be a huge help to both of us to get in some cardio.  I think I got the cardio!!!!

The walk started with me grabbing the shorter leash.  I wanted to be able to have Shadow walk along side me not her pulling me down the street.  Well the walking beside me was not working.  How does Ceasar do it.  I tried stopping and making her sit and get into a calm submissive state (which I don't think she ever really got to), I tried holding the leash behind my back to force her to walk behind me (that just made her walk between my legs and tangle me up with the leash), and lastly I tried putting my leg in front of her to block her from walking in front of me.  As you can tell.....none of the tactics worked!!!!

Then how about working with her aggression towards other dogs.  That actually went better than I had hoped.  I now think that it's not aggression towards other dogs, she just doesn't know how to greet them.  Since we think that she was used as a bait dog before we got her, I can understand why she has problems getting to know other dogs.  I think I would too!!!  We tried the sitting and letting the other dog sniff her, that didn't go to bad with the smaller dog down the street.  But when we tried a larger dog on the other end of the street, well it didn't go as well.  I think a lot of that was the neighbor came out and was learing at me for having my pit bull interact with the neighbors dog.  Come on, I could feel her negative energy let alone what the dogs must have felt.  So we abandoned that trial.

The whole walk took us about 45 minutes to an hour to do, and it was only a block!!!!  Needless to say, Shadow's walks from now on will be her pulling me down the street for awhile.  I went out and bought Cesar's book, hopefully that will help.  But until then, I think I'm going to go lay down awhile.  All of that bending over, tention, and leadership wore me out!!!!  I guess I failed at being the calm assertive pack leader.  LOL.