Yep, you read it right....this afternoon I went back to the gym for some cardio. After talking to my mom and reading her my BLOG, I couldn't take it anymore. Jim was sleeping with Shadow on the couch and I figured this is going to be the time to go back to the gym. By the time I got ready to go, Jim had woken up and offered to take me.
I hate having him sit out in the parking lot while I sweat away the calories but today I wasn't going to pass it up. I was surprised that I was able to do 30 minutes at 3.1 mph. That equals a 19 minute mile. I burned off 278 calories and my heart rate maintained at about 154 on average. I'm not too sore yet....although my hips are going to be the first to argue with me. I didn't get my normal adrenaline rush but I'm still not in the perfect mind set yet.
But I did it. Now keeping it up....I'm going to try hard. Oh I weighed in, and this is after we had eaten breakfast 2 hrs earlier, but I still weighed in at 353. That doesn't make me happy but being able to push through to the 30 minutes when I wanted to quit at 15 did.