These photos are actually from Christmas eve at mom's house but it's close enough!! Jim and I headed over to mom's house around 11am. We had the van stuffed with gifts (ok not so many of those but the heart was there), and food. I did my usual annoying phone call at 7am to wish them a merry christmas, so now it was time to pay the piper and spend some time with them. lol. We had decided not to make a big to do out of Christmas this year. None of us had the money or the time and besides, it's time to get back to the meaning of Christmas not the material of it. Yeah I know, sounds good in theory, but I really do mean it, just have a hard time doing it.
We got to mom's house and first thing we see is mom and Kelly bounding toward us with arms wide open. Kind of a nice thing....but I'll never admit to it. lol. Jim and I unloaded the food and we all sat down in the front room to open the gifts that we weren't giving to each other.
Now my poor mom has the hardest time getting stuff for me because I ALWAYS know what it is I'm getting. But I am thankful just the same.
Here is my mom and sister, Kelly, checking out their cool new coffee cups from Jim and I. Hee hee hee. All together, we got mom a coffee cup, pair of earrings, and something else I can't think of right now. For Kelly we got her a coffee cup, ring, and something else I also can't think of. Honest, I haven't even had any egg nog!!!
We stayed until about 6pm at mom's. Mom's neighbor Colleen and her son Shawn came over to feast with us. All in all it was a nice day. We were all tired and ready to go home. But before we could go home, we had to slip in a gift we bought for mom and Kelly. We played it off as it came from Santa. So as we were getting ready to leave, Jim stepped outside like he was going to go smoke a cigarette and grabbed the gift. Mom was in the rest room and I had Kelly blocked at the kitchen table eating so she couldn't see. Jim snuck it under their tree and we were off.

Oh I almost forgot...a little bit after we got home, a friend of ours stopped by to give us some Christmas gifts. Jim got a bottle of Jameson and two drinking glasses and he got me a bottle of Jack Black Dead Red Root Beer and a bottle of Brain Wash. Unfortunately, I was so tired that I fell asleep before I could thank him.
Christmas morning....
We came home to a very happy and excited puppy. We were gone all day and I came back with wrapped gifts from mom and Kelly. And yes, they were all for her!!!! She enjoyed her toy and chicken strips and then it was time for bed. Finally.....
Christmas morning....
We got up and Jim headed for the coffee, Shadow toward the back door and me toward the kitchen. Oddly enough....Santa had stopped by and left a gift for Jim...ok it was me but he knew that when he saw it.
But the best part of the day was when my good friend Spencer stopped by the house. I have never had anyone in my home for a good 9 years because of my hoarding. Well I worked all month to get it clean so Spencer could stop by. When he came over he could sit on the couch and we all had a nice visit. Shadow even left him alone...sort of....she growled a couple of times but that was it. That was fantastic for her!!!!
Spencer made me a felted ornament that was so cool!!! He couldn't stay long but the time we spent together was very well worth it.
As for the rest of the day, Jim and I spent it lounging around. We had a fantastic Christmas. I couldn't have wished for anything better!!!
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