Sunday, July 26, 2009

5 Day pouch test - Day 5

The final day of the pouch test. Oh man am I glad that this is over. It was really tougher than I thought.

The day started off sort of hard. Jim (my hubby) had to do a fasting blood work and I didn't want to eat in front of him. So I drank some water to help curb the growling monster in my belly and off to the hospital we went.

I was happy to see that it was the farmers market at Kaiser that morning. Last time I was at the farmers market, I was able to get some fantastic garlic olive oil and some orange olive oil. Oh wow, they made fish and chicken fantastic just with it on them. Anyway, I sniffed so much going into the hospital that I thought that I was going to hyperventilate. LOL.

We got in, got the blood work done, and the stress test. Turns out Jim's fairly healthy. Go figure. Hee hee. We got out of there a good hour earlier than I expected. So naturally as we are leaving, I had to stop at the market to see what they had out there. There were fantastic looking veggies and fruit. I ended up with 3 baskets of strawberries, about 8 plouts, and some garlic and artichoke spread. I have been dying to try some new types of food and there was a guy there selling some Indian food. So I thought what the hey I'll give it a try. They were Samosas. I got a chicken one and a potato one. The chicken one was fantastic but the dough was trying to get stuck. I should have known, no carbs!! But luckily I didn't have any trouble. The potato one was good too but was a little dry for me and I just ate the filling not the dough this time. They were good enough, and Jim liked them that later on I looked up some recipes for them on the Internet.

Anyway, Jim was starving, and I hadn't really eaten either other than the few bites of the samosas. So we head off to Waffle Square. I really have to be careful here because they have the best food. But I was good. I got a mushroom omelet and I only ate half of it, which would be 2 eggs but it had cheese on top so I stayed within my 3 ounces of protein. I didn't even eat all my hash browns! I had a couple of tiny bites of the real crunchy tops but that was it. I did however eat the crunchy parts of my sourdough toast with some strawberry jam. Ok, so I didn't do as good as I would have liked, but I didn't over eat!

We headed off to Barnes and Nobel afterwards to look at their book sale. I picked up a couple of appetizer magazines to help spark some inspiration for meals. Luckily I love to cook and I can redo some of the unhealthier recipes to something that I can eat. After the bookstore we headed home. Jim was so tired and I have to admit, it felt good to just lounge around!

It was about 2:30-3pm before we decided to eat lunch. Jim, bless his heart was trying to find something healthy for me to eat. Oh, I long for the days of fast food again. Days when I didn't have to dissect my food before I could eat it. But I knew what I was getting into with the surgery so no complaining. Well maybe a little complaining....hee hee. We ended up at Sizzlers. I got the salad bar, and Jim got a huge burger! Wow did it look good! I stuck with my salad and fruit and only ate 2 chicken wings. The rest of my protein for the meal was cottage cheese. I stayed within what I should and could eat and stopped when I got that feeling that something was in my stomach. When we got home, I logged the food that I ate and I was still within my 900 calories! Woo hoo! I was even up on my water intake, and I didn't even have to add the Crystal Light.

I was done with food for the day or so I thought. Jim was getting hungry later on during the night and was itching for some KFC. We headed up to the restaurant and got a bucket of fried, yep I said fried chicken. I don't like their grilled chicken. The grilled chicken is too dry and doesn't have that much flavor to me. We got home with the coleslaw, potato and gravy, biscuits, and chicken. The coleslaw had too much vinegar in it and didn't taste good, and I don't like the gravy so I don't eat the potatoes. I did try a biscuit and paid for it. It got stuck and made me very uncomfortable. It didn't come back up but I wasn't able to eat anything else. I had to wait until it passed through before I could eat my piece of chicken breast. So there weren't may calories eaten there.

All in all, I'm glad that I did the pouch test. It put me back in touch with paying attention to what my body is telling me, not just stuffing it full of food. It is still really hard for me to stop eating when there is good food around, but with portion sizes (I'm going to have to weigh everything for awhile), and paying attention to that feeling like there is food in my stomach, I think I can do ok. I still have to get back to the gym and start exercising again. I have to admit that I didn't really stick to the 5 day pouch test after day 3, but I think I got what I needed from the test anyway. So here I go eating healthy and exercising again, I hope.

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