Friday, June 5, 2009

The veggies are coming....the veggies are coming!!

First of all...I have to let you know that today is....

Oh what sweet temptation....No don't do it....Walk away from the donut....
Sorry I had to get that out of my system. Whew, that was close. I was almost licking my computer screen!
Hee hee, I caught Jim watering my veggies! I'm surprised that he's not out there putting poison on them. Let's just say that Jim is not a huge veggie fan.
Oh look...I'm getting tomatoes!!! These are my low acid tomatoes for Jim. Aren't they cute?!?!?

Okay, now here are my "Mama Mia" tomatoes. These are like Roma tomatoes. Look closely...can you count how many there are?!?! I'll give you a hint...there are 5!!!

The zucchini are out growing their pot!! LOL. Just the way I like em!! This is my second zucchini so far. I picked my first one on Memorial Day!!

My bell peppers are going wild too! To bad for Jim, these are one of my favorites and one of his least favorites!! Look at all the baby's growing!! This is only one plant too! I have 3 total plants!!!

Here's my cucumbers. They are blooming but I don't see any little cuc's yet. This is Jim's only revenge in the veggie world. He loves them and I can't stand them. I can't even have them in a salad, then taken out. I can still taste them!! Yuck. So, yep I'm growing them for him. Anyone want some cucumbers?!?!?!

My spinach is starting off slow, but that's ok. They were almost dead before I put them in the pot. Oh Popeye would be proud!!

And lastly, my parsley. It was another almost dead plant that I thought I would save it's life. She still has a ways to go before it's really abundant. But I can wait.

So now you have seen my veggies what do ya think? I can't wait till they are ready for picking! Hee hee, my veggies are still out growing my moms. LOL!!

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