Saturday, May 23, 2009

The greatest way to finish an evening

While the hubby and I vegetate at home, the phone rang. To my pleasant surprise it was Spencer. Spencer is a fellow student in the karate classes, but more so, he is a good friend. He asked what we were up to and if we would like to join him in going to the movies tonight. Wow the last time Jim and I were at a movie was about two years ago. Yep, it's been that long. So naturally we said yes.

We agreed to go see Terminator Salvation. I was sort of reserved with my opinion of weather or not I would like it. The other previous ones were kind of cheesy. I was pleasantly surprised though. It was actually pretty good. The soundtrack would be awesome, and the naked remake of Arnold wasn't bad either. Hee hee. *Blushes*

We had a great time. The company was great and being out again was a nice change. We ended our evening with plans to see each other again on Monday. We are having a BBQ with my mom, sister, and Spencer. It has been so long since we have done anything like this, that it feels almost like a first date. You know how you get anxious, jittery with excitement, nervous that everything is going to go ok. But I think the best part is going to be spending time with family and friends.

I can't believe that it's 10:30pm and we are still awake. LOL. (laugh out loud). Shadow is glad we are home, and she's telling us it's time for bed as she climbs under the covers. So with this I bid you a good night, while I dream happy thoughts of today's occurrences.

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